more from Philippa Foot

Single Idea 22485

[catalogued under 22. Metaethics / A. Ethics Foundations / 1. Nature of Ethics / f. Ethical non-cognitivism]

Full Idea

What all these [non-cognitivist] theories try to do is to give the conditions of use of sentences such as 'It is morally objectionable to break promises', in terms of something which must be true about the speaker.

Gist of Idea

Non-cognitivists give the conditions of use of moral sentences as facts about the speaker


Philippa Foot (Does Moral Subjectivism Rest on a Mistake? [1995], p.192)

Book Reference

Foot,Philippa: 'Moral Dilemmas' [OUP 2002], p.192

A Reaction

A wonderfully simple and accurate analysis of this view. Compare analysing 'there is a bus coming towards you' in the same way. Sounds silly, but lots of modern philosophers see things that way.